@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+package eu.tankernn.gameEngine.animation.animation;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Matrix4f;
+import eu.tankernn.gameEngine.animation.animatedModel.AnimatedModel;
+import eu.tankernn.gameEngine.animation.animatedModel.Joint;
+import eu.tankernn.gameEngine.renderEngine.DisplayManager;
+ *
+ * This class contains all the functionality to apply an animation to an
+ * animated entity. An Animator instance is associated with just one
+ * {@link AnimatedModel}. It also keeps track of the running time (in seconds)
+ * of the current animation, along with a reference to the currently playing
+ * animation for the corresponding entity.
+ *
+ * An Animator instance needs to be updated every frame, in order for it to keep
+ * updating the animation pose of the associated entity. The currently playing
+ * animation can be changed at any time using the doAnimation() method. The
+ * Animator will keep looping the current animation until a new animation is
+ * chosen.
+ *
+ * The Animator calculates the desired current animation pose by interpolating
+ * between the previous and next keyframes of the animation (based on the
+ * current animation time). The Animator then updates the transforms all of the
+ * joints each frame to match the current desired animation pose.
+ *
+ * @author Karl
+ *
+ */
+public class Animator {
+ private final AnimatedModel entity;
+ private float animationTime = 0;
+ private Animation currentAnimation;
+ /**
+ * @param entity
+ * - the entity which will by animated by this animator.
+ */
+ public Animator(AnimatedModel entity) {
+ this.entity = entity;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Indicates that the entity should carry out the given animation. Resets
+ * the animation time so that the new animation starts from the beginning.
+ *
+ * @param animation
+ * - the new animation to carry out.
+ */
+ public void doAnimation(Animation animation) {
+ this.animationTime = 0;
+ this.currentAnimation = animation;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method should be called each frame to update the animation currently
+ * being played. This increases the animation time (and loops it back to
+ * zero if necessary), finds the pose that the entity should be in at that
+ * time of the animation, and then applies that pose to all the model's
+ * joints by setting the joint transforms.
+ */
+ public void update() {
+ if (currentAnimation == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ increaseAnimationTime();
+ Map<String, Matrix4f> currentPose = calculateCurrentAnimationPose();
+ applyPoseToJoints(currentPose, entity.getRootJoint(), new Matrix4f());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Increases the current animation time which allows the animation to
+ * progress. If the current animation has reached the end then the timer is
+ * reset, causing the animation to loop.
+ */
+ private void increaseAnimationTime() {
+ animationTime += DisplayManager.getFrameTimeSeconds();
+ if (animationTime > currentAnimation.getLength()) {
+ this.animationTime %= currentAnimation.getLength();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method returns the current animation pose of the entity. It returns
+ * the desired local-space transforms for all the joints in a map, indexed
+ * by the name of the joint that they correspond to.
+ *
+ * The pose is calculated based on the previous and next keyframes in the
+ * current animation. Each keyframe provides the desired pose at a certain
+ * time in the animation, so the animated pose for the current time can be
+ * calculated by interpolating between the previous and next keyframe.
+ *
+ * This method first finds the preious and next keyframe, calculates how far
+ * between the two the current animation is, and then calculated the pose
+ * for the current animation time by interpolating between the transforms at
+ * those keyframes.
+ *
+ * @return The current pose as a map of the desired local-space transforms
+ * for all the joints. The transforms are indexed by the name ID of
+ * the joint that they should be applied to.
+ */
+ private Map<String, Matrix4f> calculateCurrentAnimationPose() {
+ KeyFrame[] frames = getPreviousAndNextFrames();
+ float progression = calculateProgression(frames[0], frames[1]);
+ return interpolatePoses(frames[0], frames[1], progression);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is the method where the animator calculates and sets those all-
+ * important "joint transforms" that I talked about so much in the tutorial.
+ *
+ * This method applies the current pose to a given joint, and all of its
+ * descendants. It does this by getting the desired local-transform for the
+ * current joint, before applying it to the joint. Before applying the
+ * transformations it needs to be converted from local-space to model-space
+ * (so that they are relative to the model's origin, rather than relative to
+ * the parent joint). This can be done by multiplying the local-transform of
+ * the joint with the model-space transform of the parent joint.
+ *
+ * The same thing is then done to all the child joints.
+ *
+ * Finally the inverse of the joint's bind transform is multiplied with the
+ * model-space transform of the joint. This basically "subtracts" the
+ * joint's original bind (no animation applied) transform from the desired
+ * pose transform. The result of this is then the transform required to move
+ * the joint from its original model-space transform to it's desired
+ * model-space posed transform. This is the transform that needs to be
+ * loaded up to the vertex shader and used to transform the vertices into
+ * the current pose.
+ *
+ * @param currentPose
+ * - a map of the local-space transforms for all the joints for
+ * the desired pose. The map is indexed by the name of the joint
+ * which the transform corresponds to.
+ * @param joint
+ * - the current joint which the pose should be applied to.
+ * @param parentTransform
+ * - the desired model-space transform of the parent joint for
+ * the pose.
+ */
+ private void applyPoseToJoints(Map<String, Matrix4f> currentPose, Joint joint, Matrix4f parentTransform) {
+ Matrix4f currentLocalTransform = currentPose.get(joint.name);
+ Matrix4f currentTransform = Matrix4f.mul(parentTransform, currentLocalTransform, null);
+ for (Joint childJoint : joint.children) {
+ applyPoseToJoints(currentPose, childJoint, currentTransform);
+ }
+ Matrix4f.mul(currentTransform, joint.getInverseBindTransform(), currentTransform);
+ joint.setAnimationTransform(currentTransform);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds the previous keyframe in the animation and the next keyframe in the
+ * animation, and returns them in an array of length 2. If there is no
+ * previous frame (perhaps current animation time is 0.5 and the first
+ * keyframe is at time 1.5) then the next keyframe is used as both the
+ * previous and next keyframe. The reverse happens if there is no next
+ * keyframe.
+ *
+ * @return The previous and next keyframes, in an array which therefore will
+ * always have a length of 2.
+ */
+ private KeyFrame[] getPreviousAndNextFrames() {
+ KeyFrame previousFrame = null;
+ KeyFrame nextFrame = null;
+ for (KeyFrame frame : currentAnimation.getKeyFrames()) {
+ if (frame.getTimeStamp() > animationTime) {
+ nextFrame = frame;
+ break;
+ }
+ previousFrame = frame;
+ }
+ previousFrame = previousFrame == null ? nextFrame : previousFrame;
+ nextFrame = nextFrame == null ? previousFrame : nextFrame;
+ return new KeyFrame[] { previousFrame, nextFrame };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates how far between the previous and next keyframe the current
+ * animation time is, and returns it as a value between 0 and 1.
+ *
+ * @param previousFrame
+ * - the previous keyframe in the animation.
+ * @param nextFrame
+ * - the next keyframe in the animation.
+ * @return A number between 0 and 1 indicating how far between the two
+ * keyframes the current animation time is.
+ */
+ private float calculateProgression(KeyFrame previousFrame, KeyFrame nextFrame) {
+ float timeDifference = nextFrame.getTimeStamp() - previousFrame.getTimeStamp();
+ return (animationTime - previousFrame.getTimeStamp()) / timeDifference;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates all the local-space joint transforms for the desired current
+ * pose by interpolating between the transforms at the previous and next
+ * keyframes.
+ *
+ * @param previousFrame
+ * - the previous keyframe in the animation.
+ * @param nextFrame
+ * - the next keyframe in the animation.
+ * @param progression
+ * - a number between 0 and 1 indicating how far between the
+ * previous and next keyframes the current animation time is.
+ * @return The local-space transforms for all the joints for the desired
+ * current pose. They are returned in a map, indexed by the name of
+ * the joint to which they should be applied.
+ */
+ private Map<String, Matrix4f> interpolatePoses(KeyFrame previousFrame, KeyFrame nextFrame, float progression) {
+ Map<String, Matrix4f> currentPose = new HashMap<String, Matrix4f>();
+ for (String jointName : previousFrame.getJointKeyFrames().keySet()) {
+ JointTransform previousTransform = previousFrame.getJointKeyFrames().get(jointName);
+ JointTransform nextTransform = nextFrame.getJointKeyFrames().get(jointName);
+ JointTransform currentTransform = JointTransform.interpolate(previousTransform, nextTransform, progression);
+ currentPose.put(jointName, currentTransform.getLocalTransform());
+ }
+ return currentPose;
+ }