#!/bin/bash IMG_BASE="${IMG_BASE:-$HOME}" DATABASE="${DATABASE:-$HOME/Pictures/image_tags.sqlite}" SQLITE="${SQLITE:-sqlite3}" SQL="$SQLITE $DATABASE" SXIV="sxiv -t -" join_by () { local IFS="$1" shift echo "$*" } sp="/-\|" sc=0 spin() { printf "\r%s [%s/%s] %s" "${sp:sc++:1}" "$1" "$2" "$3" if ((sc==${#sp})); then sc=0 fi } endspin() { printf "\r\n" } get_hash() { [ -f "$1" ] || exit 1 read -ra sha < <(sha256sum "$1") echo "${sha[0]}" } case $1 in "init") $SQL "CREATE TABLE image ( path TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE ON CONFLICT REPLACE, hash TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL UNIQUE ON CONFLICT ABORT );" $SQL "CREATE TABLE image_tag ( hash TEXT NOT NULL, tag TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (hash, tag) ON CONFLICT ABORT );" $SQL "CREATE TRIGGER image_exists BEFORE INSERT ON image_tag BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image WHERE image.hash = NEW.hash) = 0 THEN RAISE(FAIL, 'image not in database') END; END;" ;; "add") total="${#@}" i=0 for f in "${@:2}"; do spin "$i" "$total" "$f" i=$((i+1)) hsh="$(get_hash "$f")" path="$(realpath --relative-to="$IMG_BASE" "$f")" $SQL "INSERT INTO image (path, hash) VALUES ('$path', '$hsh');" done endspin ;; "tag") tag=$2 for f in "${@:3}"; do hsh="$(get_hash "$f")" $SQL "INSERT INTO image_tag (hash, tag) VALUES ('$hsh','$tag');" done ;; "untag") tag=$2 for f in "${@:3}"; do hsh="$(get_hash "$f")" $SQL "DELETE FROM image_tag WHERE (hash, tag) = ('$hsh','$tag');" done ;; "query") tags=() anti_tags=() for t in "${@:2}"; do if [[ "$t" == -* ]]; then anti_tags+=( "'${t:1}'" ) else tags+=( "'$t'" ) fi done tags_str=$(join_by , "${tags[@]}") anti_tags_str=$(join_by , "${anti_tags[@]}") $SQL "SELECT path FROM image WHERE ${#tags[@]} = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image_tag WHERE image.hash = image_tag.hash AND image_tag.tag IN ($tags_str)) AND (0 = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image_tag WHERE image.hash = image_tag.hash AND image_tag.tag IN ($anti_tags_str)));" | awk "{ print \"$IMG_BASE/\" \$0 }" ;; "tags") if [ -f "$2" ]; then hsh="$(get_hash "$2")" $SQL "SELECT DISTINCT tag FROM image_tag WHERE hash = '$hsh' ORDER BY tag;" else $SQL "SELECT DISTINCT tag FROM image_tag ORDER BY tag;" fi ;; "query-dmenu") selected_tags=() while selection=$($0 tags | dmenu -p "Select tags, when done.") && [ -n "$selection" ]; do selected_tags+=("$selection") done $0 query "${selected_tags[@]}" | $SXIV ;; "tag-dmenu") while selection=$($0 tags | dmenu -p "Select tags, when done.") && [ -n "$selection" ]; do $0 tag "$selection" "${@:2}" done ;; "stats") echo "Number of images: $($SQL "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image;")" echo "Number of distinct tags: $($SQL "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT tag) FROM image_tag;")" ;; "") name="$(basename "$0")" echo -e "Usage:" echo -e " $name init Create a new database." echo -e " $name add IMAGE... Add new image(s) to the database." echo -e " $name tag TAG IMAGE... Tag image(s) with TAG." echo -e " $name untag TAG IMAGE... Remove tag from image(s)." echo -e " $name query TAG... List images with specified tags." echo -e " $name tags [IMAGE] Show all tags, or tags for IMAGE." echo -e " $name query-dmenu Interactively construct a query using dmenu and opens the result in sxiv." echo -e " $name tag-dmenu IMAGE... Interactively tag specified image(s) using dmenu." echo -e " $name stats Show database statistics." ;; esac