mpv.conf 2.8 KB

  1. # General settings {{{
  2. no-border
  3. osd-font='Nimbus Sans L'
  4. save-position-on-quit
  5. force-seekable
  6. write-filename-in-watch-later-config
  7. msg-module
  8. msg-color
  9. keep-open
  10. keepaspect
  11. cursor-autohide=500
  12. volume=100
  13. volume-max=100
  14. alang=ja,jp,jpn,en,eng,spa,es
  15. slang=ja,jp,jpn,en,eng,spa,es
  16. # }}}
  17. # Streaming {{{
  18. hls-bitrate=max
  19. ytdl-format=best
  20. # }}}
  21. # Cache {{{
  22. cache=yes
  23. demuxer-max-bytes=1147483647
  24. # }}}
  25. # Audio {{{
  26. audio-file-auto=fuzzy
  27. audio-pitch-correction=yes
  28. # }}}
  29. # General Video {{{
  30. profile=gpu-hq
  31. gpu-context=auto
  32. spirv-compiler=auto
  33. vo=gpu
  34. # }}}
  35. # Dither {{{
  36. dither-depth=8 # Running my monitor at 10 bit breaks other things
  37. # }}}
  38. # Upscale {{{
  39. #gpu-api=opengl
  40. #fbo-format=rgba32f
  41. #glsl-shader="~/shaders/FSRCNNX_x2_16-0-4-1.glsl" # better, but uses more GPU
  42. #glsl-shader="~/git/mpv-prescalers/ravu-r4-yuv.hook"
  43. #scale=ewa_lanczos
  44. # vulkan
  45. gpu-api=vulkan
  46. fbo-format=rgba16hf
  47. glsl-shader="~/git/mpv-prescalers/vulkan/ravu-r4-yuv.hook"
  48. # }}}
  49. # Downscale {{{
  50. dscale=mitchell
  51. # }}}
  52. # Chroma-scale {{{
  53. cscale=ewa_lanczos
  54. # }}}
  55. # Interpolation {{{
  56. blend-subtitles=video
  57. interpolation
  58. tscale=oversample
  59. video-sync=display-resample
  60. # }}}
  61. # Grain {{{
  62. # Adds static grain
  63. # glsl-shader="~~/shaders/noise/noise_static_luma.hook"
  64. # glsl-shader="~~/shaders/noise/noise_static_chroma.hook"
  65. # }}}
  66. # Deband {{{
  67. # Off by default to avoid losing detail in good sources
  68. deband=no
  69. deband-iterations=4
  70. deband-threshold=50
  71. deband-range=16
  72. deband-grain=0
  73. # }}}
  74. # Subtitles {{{
  75. sub-auto=fuzzy
  76. sub-fix-timing # remove gaps
  77. sub-ass-vsfilter-blur-compat # old sub compatibility
  78. stretch-dvd-subs
  79. demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll # display subs more reliably while seeking
  80. sub-filter-sdh
  81. sub-filter-sdh-harder
  82. sub-font="Arial"
  83. sub-font-size=50
  84. sub-color="#FAFAFA"
  85. sub-border-color="#FF262626"
  86. sub-border-size=3.0
  87. sub-shadow-offset=1.5
  88. sub-shadow-color="#3B0D0D0D"
  89. sub-spacing=0
  90. sub-ass-override=force
  91. # }}}
  92. # Screenshots {{{
  93. screenshot-format=png
  94. screenshot-png-compression=9
  95. screenshot-jpeg-source-chroma # if screenshot is jpeg, copy source subsampling ratio
  96. screenshot-png-filter=0
  97. screenshot-tag-colorspace
  98. screenshot-high-bit-depth
  99. screenshot-directory=~/Pictures/mpv-screenshots
  100. screenshot-template='%f_[%P]_%tY-%tm-%td_%tH-%tM-%tS_"%{sub-text}"' # adds subtitle text to file name
  101. # }}}
  102. # [horriblesubs]
  103. # profile-desc=cond:string.match(p.filename, "HorribleSubs")~=nil
  104. # deband=yes
  105. # [no_horriblesubs]
  106. # profile-desc=cond:string.match(p.filename, "HorribleSubs")==nil
  107. # deband=no
  108. # [erai]
  109. # profile-desc=cond:string.match(p.filename, "Erai%-raws")~=nil
  110. # deband=yes
  111. # [no_erai]
  112. # profile-desc=cond:string.match(p.filename, "Erai%-raws")==nil
  113. # deband=no
  114. # [kyoani_fog]
  115. # profile-desc=cond:string.match(p.filename, "Evergarden")~=nil
  116. # glsl-shaders-append="~~/shaders/anti_kyoani_fog.glsl"
  117. # vi:syntax=config