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- require 'test_helper'
- class ConversationsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
- def setup
- @user = users(:daniel)
- @other_user = users(:ben)
- log_in_as @user
- end
- test "should create valid conversation" do
- get new_conversation_path
- assert_response :success
- assert_difference '@user.conversations.count', 1 do
- post conversations_path, params: { conversation: {
- name: "Example conversation",
- user_ids: [@user.id, @other_user.id],
- messages_attributes: { "0" => { content: "Content" }}}}
- end
- end
- test "should redirect conversation which user is not participating in" do
- get conversation_path conversations(:two)
- assert_redirected_to root_path
- end
- test "last message should be shown in index and dropdown" do
- message = @user.messages.build(content: "Hello, world!",
- conversation: conversations(:one))
- message.save
- get conversations_path
- assert_select "tbody" do
- assert_select "tr:nth-child(1)", text: /
- end
- assert_select ".dropdown-messages li:nth-child(1)", text: /
- end
- end