@@ -8,8 +8,14 @@ require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'youtube-dl.rb'
-settings = YAML.load(File.read "config.yaml")['settings']
-bot = Discordrb::Commands::CommandBot.new token: settings['token'], prefix: settings['prefix']
+$settings = YAML.load(File.read "config.yaml")['settings']
+bot = Discordrb::Commands::CommandBot.new token: $settings['token'], prefix: $settings['prefix']
+def save_settings
+ File.open("config.yaml", 'w') do |file|
+ file.write(YAML.dump({'settings' => $settings}))
+ end
bot.command(:translit) do |_event, script, *text|
_event.message.mentions.each do |user|
@@ -164,6 +170,7 @@ bot.command(:play, description: "Plays 'music' of your choosing in your voice ch
channel = _event.user.voice_channel
next "You're not in any voice channel!" unless channel
voice_bot = bot.voice_connect(channel)
+ voice_bot.volume = $settings['volume']
fairqueues[_event.server] = FairQueue.new(voice_bot)
@@ -210,7 +217,8 @@ end
bot.command(:volume, description: "Sets the severity of currently playing 'music'.") do |_event, volume|
next "Nothing is playing." unless _event.voice
- _event.voice.volume = [volume.to_f, 1.5].min
+ $settings['volume'] = _event.voice.volume = [volume.to_f, 1.5].min
+ save_settings